Walk Information

3.1.2 Walk Information Walk Groups

A    A strenuous walk of 12 miles or over which may include steep hills taken at a brisk pace.
B+  A walk of approximately 10 – 12 miles which is more strenuous than a B walk.
B    A moderately strenuous walk of 10 – 12 miles which may include hills at a moderate pace.
C    A moderate walk of 7 – 10 miles which may include gradients at a medium pace.
D    A walk of 5-7 miles at a gentle pace that may include gradients.
E    A short walk of 2 – 4 miles at a leisurely pace usually accessed by public transport. Meeting Points

Walk Leaders specify in the Programme whether they are going to Park Road ( HG2 9AZ ) first, to the start of the walk or to another location. Park Road meeting point is about halfway along Park Road behind and to the south west of Trinity Church, Harrogate (SE 302 545). The Church is near the junction of the A61 and B6162. Members are encouraged to meet at Park Road to enable car sharing. (See later)

If you wish to go on a particular walk, it is now a club rule that you inform the leader, discuss proposed travel arrangements and also give your contact details so that the walk leader knows who is going on their walk and can notify them of last minute changes.

If you are delayed “en route” to the start please call the Leader at a time when they will have got to the start – not when they might be driving. Remember to check the start time of a particular walk in the Walks Section of the Programme or online, the start time given is the time at which cars leave Park Road. Car Sharing

Please follow the Government guidelines with respect to car sharing during the pandemic – safer travel

Not everyone may be comfortable sharing cars, this is entirely their choice. If you accept a lift, a voluntary contribution would be appropriate. A suitable rate would be 30p per mile divided amongst the occupants of the car. Walk Changes

It is the responsibility of the Walk Leader to inform the Walks Collector, and the Webmaster, of any relevant changes to a proposed walk. The Administrator should also be informed to include the changes on any subsequent bulletin. To do this there is a form on the club’s website for submitting walk changes (and additions) to the current programme. The submitted details will be sent automatically to the appropriate walk collector, webmaster and administrator. The form is under the ‘Walks’ menu and ‘Walk Change’ option. You will need to enter the walk leader’s password, that you use when adding a walk for the next programme, to access the form. The most up-to-date walk lists are on the website. These should include any amendments made since the current programme booklet was issued. As there is always a possibility that a walk due the next day may be changed or cancelled because of extreme weather or illness, the Walk Leader will contact members who have registered to go on their walk. To be sure you do not miss any walk changes and other information sent by email, please ensure the Administrator has your up-to-date email address. Also, please add admin@harrogateramblingclub.org.uk to your email address book. Walk Cancellations

Walk Leaders may need to cancel a walk where extreme conditions such as significant snowfall or flooding make the walk itself, or getting to the start, dangerous or where there is a significant risk of roads being impassable.

Walks should not be cancelled at short notice just because inclement weather conditions are anticipated. In these circumstances a Walk Leader may change the walk or provide an alternative. 

A Walk Leader who cannot lead a walk should make all reasonable efforts to find an alternative Walk Leader. Countryside Code

Follow the Code.  Respect other people and animals, protect the natural environment, walk in single file through growing crops and take your litter home.  For further information see the Government website at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-countryside-code Grid Reference Converter

Conversion between Grid References and Post Codes can be obtained using this internet site: www.gridreferencefinder.com