The role of the Harrogate Rambling Club Treasurer is to:
- Ensure that President, Vice President, General Secretary and Treasurer are all included on the mandate for the Bank account to enable them to sign cheques (any two from four).
- Operate the on-line banking facility with HSBC
- Prepare cheques as and when required to pay accounts and expenses promptly
- Keep the cash book up to date and not allow the current account to go into overdraft (no facility)
- If appropriate, transfer any surplus funds to deposit account and vice versa
- Monitor the on-line bank statements and ensure current account never falls in overdraft (no facility)
- Pay accounts and expenses promptly
- Bank all receipts in a prompt manner (other than those which go directly to the Membership Secretary as subscriptions). Ensure that subscriptions are properly notified and recorded
- Contact advertisers prior to September each year to confirm continuation for the three insertions in that financial year
- Send copy of programme to each advertiser
- Issue invoices to programme advertisers towards the end of any financial year for that year’s three insertions. At same time confirm that adverts are to continue in subsequent year
- Advise the Programme Secretary about advertisements to appear in subsequent programmes
- File all invoices, expense claims and other accounting documents in a form suitable for independent audit
- At the year end (August 31) prepare a balance sheet and income and expenditure account. Present these together with supporting documents to the independent auditor for signature
- Sign the audited accounts in sufficient time to allow copies to be circulated at the Annual General Meeting
- Prepare a written report for the AGM including confirmation of the Club’s financial strategy and of any changes proposed
- Attend Committee Meetings and the AGM to report on and provide explanations where necessary on the accounts.
June 2016