Membership Join

3.3.1 Membership Join

Basic Membership Information

  • Annual Costs from 1st March:
    •  £10.00
    • One-off New Membership/Re-joining fee:  £3.00
    • Members joining between November and February will be exempt from the following year’s fee.
  • The minimum age for membership of the club is 16 years.
  • People going on Club walks with a view to joining the Club automatically become temporary members of the Club.
  • Visitors to the area who wish to walk with the Club should discuss their wishes with the intended walk leader. They will become temporary members of the club. A minimum age of 16 years applies.
  • A member wishing to bring a guest on any walk is required to contact the walk leader to ensure suitability of the walk for the guest and to ensure the walk leader is prepared to take the guest on their walk. Should the walk leader agree to the request, the accompanying member will be responsible for the guest’s behaviour, care and welfare. A minimum age of 12 years applies.
  • In all above cases emergency contact details must be supplied, or be available via the member’s Emergency Procedures pack, to the walk leader.

What do you get?

  • Access to all our walks, coach rambles, socials and Club holidays
  • A healthy, active and social year-round hobby
  • New friends
  • An interesting Programme booklet every four months, including full walks details plus expert guidance on many aspects of walking
  • Discounts up to 15% from some local outdoor activity shops
  • Contributions towards car fuel costs if you take other people

How to Apply:

Fill in our application form HERE

Or Contact the Membership Secretary,  Nick Anderson: Tel: 01423 884718. E-mail