Guidance for Back Markers

3.2.3 General Guidance For Back Markers

  • Back Markers, like Walk Leaders, have a duty of care toward the group.  They are primarily responsible for ensuring no one is left behind.
  • Ensure you have an appropriate map and can read it.
  • Have a means of communication with your Walk Leader, such as a whistle. 
  • Keep your phone on during the walk.
  • Wear hi-vis clothing whenever conditions dictate or the Walk Leader requests it.
  • Remain at the back of the group.
  • Make sure no one is left behind by keeping a check on numbers to ensure no one is missing. You are responsible for leaving gates open or closed as found.
  • Remember you need to be sufficiently fit and agile to catch up with the group if separation occurs.
  • Understand the duties of the Walk Leader.