Programme Secretary

The role of the Harrogate Rambling Club Programme Secretary is to:

  1. Produce a Walks Programme three times a year
  2. Gather and write up Club-related information for inclusion in the general sections of the Programme
  3. Edit content where needed to improve clarity and conciseness
  4. Agree with the Walks Collectors Co-ordinator appropriate dates for completed walks slips to be received
  5. Maintain up to date databases of Walk Leaders’ contact details and starting location of walks (including grid reference, OS map, mileage from Trinity and parking)
  6. Where deemed necessary, check accuracy of information on walks slips
  7. Liaise with walks Collectors and Leaders as appropriate during the production process
  8. Obtain quotes from, appoint and liaise with printers throughout the production process
  9. Agree the size of print runs with the General Secretary
  10. Agree with the printer the colour of each Programme cover
  11. Ensure as far as possible that the content of the Walks Programme is accurate, clear and up to date
  12. Circulate the final draft of each new Programme to all Committee Members prior to it being sent to the printer
  13. Advise Committee Members of the practicality of last minute changes to the Programme
  14. Manage the production of flyers to accompany the Programme
  15. Check first and subsequent proofs as necessary
  16. Advise advertisers as regards layout, design and format of advertisements
  17. Send final soft copies of the Programme in both Word and Excel formats to the Webmaster, and advise him or her of the date on which the information can be uploaded to the Club website
  18. Obtain Membership address labels from the Membership Secretary
  19. Purchase appropriate stamps and envelopes for sending out the Programmes
  20. Organise a volunteer team of Club Members to put the new Programmes into stamped addressed envelopes
  21. Post new Programmes to all Club Members
  22. Make progress reports to Committee Members at Committee Meetings and to Club Members at Annual General Meetings
  23. Keep receipts for expenses and submit on Expenses Form to Treasurer
  24. Maintain the Programme Secretary’s archive of past Club Programmes
  25. Liaise regularly, especially by email, with other Committee Members
  26. Attend committee meetings and other meetings, including the AGM
  27. Support Committee decisions once agreed

June 2016