Emergency Procedures

3.2.4 Emergency Procedures

All Members are given an Emergency Procedures pack consisting of three A6 cards in a sealable plastic envelope. Please ensure these are filled in, kept up to date and KEPT IN YOUR RUCKSACK  

You can print additional copies from here:

Card 1 Side 1 – Contents

Card 1 Side 2 – Treating Injuries

Card 2 Sides 1 & 2 – Emergency Procedures

Card 3 Side 1 – Personal Details and Emergency Contacts

Card 3 Side 2 – Incident Details

Card 4 Side 1 – Defibrillator Guidance What3Words

Members might like to add this “APP” to their phone for determining their position in the event of an emergency requiring a call out by Mountain Rescue or any emergency service. You can find installation instructions HERE.

It should be noted that Grid References are preferred by rescue services, use these first if you can.

Your Emergency Procedures cards should be carried at all times on Club walks, personal details completed. Details of What3Words are on the revised Emergency Procedures cards.